Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Trick or Treat

Twidgy was so excited. It was Halloween and she was going to go trick or treating for the first time.  She loved her costume very much. She was dressed up like a Halloween Rat Fairy with her brand new skirt.

She took her pumpkin basket and started walking through the forest to knock on the forest animal's doors. She knew what she was supposed to say. It was, "Trick or Treat!"
The first house Twidgy came to was the little white mouse's house. Twidgy knocked on the mouse's white, front door and said, "trick or treat". The little white mouse came out and gave Twidgy an acorn to put in her pumpkin basket.
Twidgy was so excited about getting the treats because she knew that night, while she was sleeping, the real Halloween Fairy would take the treats away and leave her a wonderful present in their place. She really hoped it would be a banana.
Twidgy and the little white mouse started talking and became friends. The mouse's name was Puff. Puff noticed that Twidgy's costume was missing. Twidgy decided she better go and look for her costume and Puff said she would come along and help.

Twidgy looked everywhere. First she looked through the eye of  a big pumpkin,

but it was so dark that she decided to crawl all the way inside to be sure her costume wasn't in there.

While Twidgy was looking around for her costume a squirrel dressed up as a cat jumped out in front of Twidgy and said, "BOO". It scared Twidgy at first, but then she laughed at the funny trick the squirrel played on her.
Twidgy looked all over for her costume, but she couldn't find it. She went to many forest home's that night and received many treats. Nobody minded that her costume was lost.
 The night had been a long and exciting night and because of that Twidgy was getting tired. She told Puff that it was time for her to go home.

Twidgy picked up her basket

and walked over to Puff's bike.  Puff told Twidgy that she could borrow her bike to take all her treat's home. Puff was very happy to help load the goodies and told Twidgy she could return the bike later.

Twidgy was very thankful, cause she had so many treats that she didn't know how she would have gotten them all home without Puff's help.

Once all the treats were loaded in the bike's basket, Twidgy started pushing the bike back to her house.

Along the way Puff asked Twidgy if she still wanted to look for her costume? Twidgy told Puff that she was too tired to look anymore. Besides the Halloween Fairy might bring her a present after all.

That night, while Twidgy was sleeping, the Halloween Fairy did come.

Just as the Fairy was leaving Twidgy woke up and to her suprise there was the Halloween Fairy with a big, beautiful banana. Twidgy thanked the Fairy.
Twidgy felt very happy and her last thought before falling asleep again was how much fun she had Trick or Treating.
The next morning when Twidgy woke up she found her costume by the banana. The Halloween Fairy must have found it. How nice of her to do that! She couldn't wait to tell Puff all about it.
Later, while eating her banana for breakfast, Twidgy thought that it had been the best Halloween ever.


Two Muses of Famous Origins -

Two Muses of Famous Origins -
September 2009 - The day we started the blogg