Friday, September 14, 2012

Halloween Walk About

One day Twidgy went out for a walk. It was a long walk and along the way she found a beautiful pool to get a drink of water from.
She was glad because she became very thirsty with all that walking.

She was having such a wonderful time walking and exploring, on such a beautiful day in October, that soon she was somewhere she had never been before. In fact, she saw many strange things. One was a very magical window.

Twidgy really wanted to get into the place that the window showed her. It had such a wonderful view of green plants. She went around behind the window and found a small hole that she could crawl through and when she came out the other side she was so surprised. She came to a land that didn't look like any other place she had been before.

It had so many beautiful colors to look at. She just had to explore. She even climbed over tall branches
and found a very wise owl to talk with.
The owl told Twidgy she was in the land of the Halloween Fairy. Twidgy wondered what the fairy was like. The owl said she was very friendly and kind and sometimes gave good treats to eat.
Owl told Twidgy where to find the fairy's house. And soon she was climbing down the side of the fairy's pumpkin house. 
and sure enough there was the Halloween Fairy sitting outside.

Twidgy went right up and said, "Hi". The Halloween Fairy was so happy to see Twidgy that she shared some banana with her.

and Twidgy ate it all up. 

Twidgy said goodbye to the Halloween Fairy and said she would come back to see her someday. The fairy said that she would bring her a treat on Halloween.  Twidgy thought about the fairy all the way home and the treat she was going to get. She hoped it would be another banana.

Two Muses of Famous Origins -

Two Muses of Famous Origins -
September 2009 - The day we started the blogg