Monday, September 10, 2012

Going for A Walk

Today Twidgy was so excited, she was going for a walk with Papa and Nana.  Twidgy rides on Papa's or Nana's shoulders while they walk the path of trees.  She is very proud of how well she can balance while she rides, looking all around.

Twidgy really likes all the smells in the small forest.  She loves to look up at the blue sky and watch the birds overhead.  Sometimes she watches squirrels chasing each other.  But the thing she loves to do the most is sniff the air for new and interesting smells.

Twidgy was thinking that she smelled something new and yummy.  She didn't know what it was, but she new part of it was an apple. What could it be she wondered? 

As they drew nearer Nana saw what it was - there sitting on the path someone had left a candied apple on top of a clean white plate. Nana thought, "what a funny place to find a candied apple." Twidgy thought, "wow, i want to get down and taste some of that!"

"No, no", Nana said to Twidgy.  Twidgy could smell that apple.  But that apple had all kinds of things on it that could make Twidgy very sick.  Twidgy didn't understand and she started to climb down Papa's shirt.

Nana saw what was happening and got Twidgy really fast.  "Silly little rat", Nana said.  "Don't worry I'll give you some apple that is good for you when we get home".  That made Twidgy very happy and for the rest of the way home she sat very patiently on Papa's shoulder, smiling. She was thinking about how good her apple for breakfast was going to taste.  And when Nana and Twidgy arrived home, Nana gave Twidgy a big piece of apple for being such a good and patient rat.

Two Muses of Famous Origins -

Two Muses of Famous Origins -
September 2009 - The day we started the blogg