Sunday, September 9, 2012

Just A Little Tired

Twidgy was woken very early in the morning from some noise that Nana was making in the kitchen. She wondered why Nana was up so early.  She sat up in her cage looking out and hoped that Nana would come and get her.  It was still night time and Twidgy liked to play when it was dark outside. She hoped Nana was going to come and play with her.

Nana did come and picked Twidgy up. Twidgy was so happy.  She thought, "Maybe Nana will give me a goody to eat".  She rode on Nana's shoulder all over the house.  And just when Twidgy thought that Nana was going to forget to feed her, Nana put peas, banana and some hot dog in her cage and carried the whole thing to the play room.

Twidgy was so happy.  She ran all over the play room and up on top of all the furniture.  She was wondering where her friend Robynn was and if she would soon come to visit.  But Twidgy had a really good time playing on the couch and the tables and running all over the rug.  Soon she began to get tired and decided to go eat some of her food.  Twidgy went back to her cage and started to eat.  That's when Nana picked the cage up and took it out to the living room where she put it back on table behind the green couch.

Nana shut the cage door and left for awhile and when she came back Nana found a very tired and happy rat.  Twidgy even pulled her covers up over her so she could take a nice warm nap.

Twidgy said, "Night, night Nana.  I'm going to go to sleep now I'll see you later."  Nana said night, night too and then went to play Minecraft with Robynn and Mommy.

Two Muses of Famous Origins -

Two Muses of Famous Origins -
September 2009 - The day we started the blogg