Thursday, September 13, 2012

T.V. Time

Twidgy decided that she wanted to watch a little T.V.  She saw people doing it all the time and she wanted to find out for herself what it was all about.  She very carefully pushed her cage open and climbed onto the big green couch.

Once she got there she knew that she had to jump to the little brown table to turn the T.V. on. So she prepared a big jump. And did it!

She was so excited that she made the jump. She had never jumped so far before.  She thought, "Well, even if I don't like T.V. I am already happy cause I made such a great jump!"  Once she was on the little brown table she could get to the funny little box that turned on the T.V.  So she looked around and found it.

Success!  She turned on the T.V. and began to watch.  At first she didn't understand what the T.V. was showing her, but after awhile she settled down to watch.

It didn't take long before she wanted to do something else. She was glad that she figured out how to do all these things; get out of her cage, jump to the table and turn the T.V. on, but she just didn't think that she would watch that much T.V.  She decided to go back to her cage and take a nap, but on her way she noticed something very interesting on the table by the T.V.

It was a little statue of a rat reading a book.  "Wow", she thought, "maybe I can learn to read! I wonder if that is possible?  I think I will figure out a way to do that.  Someone will have to teach me.  Then I will be able to read a whole bunch of books to myself."

She was a very excited rat that night when she went to bed.  She was thinking about how she would get someone to teach her how to read. She fell asleep a very happy and excited little rat.

Two Muses of Famous Origins -

Two Muses of Famous Origins -
September 2009 - The day we started the blogg