Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Trick or Treat

Twidgy was so excited. It was Halloween and she was going to go trick or treating for the first time.  She loved her costume very much. She was dressed up like a Halloween Rat Fairy with her brand new skirt.

She took her pumpkin basket and started walking through the forest to knock on the forest animal's doors. She knew what she was supposed to say. It was, "Trick or Treat!"
The first house Twidgy came to was the little white mouse's house. Twidgy knocked on the mouse's white, front door and said, "trick or treat". The little white mouse came out and gave Twidgy an acorn to put in her pumpkin basket.
Twidgy was so excited about getting the treats because she knew that night, while she was sleeping, the real Halloween Fairy would take the treats away and leave her a wonderful present in their place. She really hoped it would be a banana.
Twidgy and the little white mouse started talking and became friends. The mouse's name was Puff. Puff noticed that Twidgy's costume was missing. Twidgy decided she better go and look for her costume and Puff said she would come along and help.

Twidgy looked everywhere. First she looked through the eye of  a big pumpkin,

but it was so dark that she decided to crawl all the way inside to be sure her costume wasn't in there.

While Twidgy was looking around for her costume a squirrel dressed up as a cat jumped out in front of Twidgy and said, "BOO". It scared Twidgy at first, but then she laughed at the funny trick the squirrel played on her.
Twidgy looked all over for her costume, but she couldn't find it. She went to many forest home's that night and received many treats. Nobody minded that her costume was lost.
 The night had been a long and exciting night and because of that Twidgy was getting tired. She told Puff that it was time for her to go home.

Twidgy picked up her basket

and walked over to Puff's bike.  Puff told Twidgy that she could borrow her bike to take all her treat's home. Puff was very happy to help load the goodies and told Twidgy she could return the bike later.

Twidgy was very thankful, cause she had so many treats that she didn't know how she would have gotten them all home without Puff's help.

Once all the treats were loaded in the bike's basket, Twidgy started pushing the bike back to her house.

Along the way Puff asked Twidgy if she still wanted to look for her costume? Twidgy told Puff that she was too tired to look anymore. Besides the Halloween Fairy might bring her a present after all.

That night, while Twidgy was sleeping, the Halloween Fairy did come.

Just as the Fairy was leaving Twidgy woke up and to her suprise there was the Halloween Fairy with a big, beautiful banana. Twidgy thanked the Fairy.
Twidgy felt very happy and her last thought before falling asleep again was how much fun she had Trick or Treating.
The next morning when Twidgy woke up she found her costume by the banana. The Halloween Fairy must have found it. How nice of her to do that! She couldn't wait to tell Puff all about it.
Later, while eating her banana for breakfast, Twidgy thought that it had been the best Halloween ever.


Friday, September 14, 2012

Halloween Walk About

One day Twidgy went out for a walk. It was a long walk and along the way she found a beautiful pool to get a drink of water from.
She was glad because she became very thirsty with all that walking.

She was having such a wonderful time walking and exploring, on such a beautiful day in October, that soon she was somewhere she had never been before. In fact, she saw many strange things. One was a very magical window.

Twidgy really wanted to get into the place that the window showed her. It had such a wonderful view of green plants. She went around behind the window and found a small hole that she could crawl through and when she came out the other side she was so surprised. She came to a land that didn't look like any other place she had been before.

It had so many beautiful colors to look at. She just had to explore. She even climbed over tall branches
and found a very wise owl to talk with.
The owl told Twidgy she was in the land of the Halloween Fairy. Twidgy wondered what the fairy was like. The owl said she was very friendly and kind and sometimes gave good treats to eat.
Owl told Twidgy where to find the fairy's house. And soon she was climbing down the side of the fairy's pumpkin house. 
and sure enough there was the Halloween Fairy sitting outside.

Twidgy went right up and said, "Hi". The Halloween Fairy was so happy to see Twidgy that she shared some banana with her.

and Twidgy ate it all up. 

Twidgy said goodbye to the Halloween Fairy and said she would come back to see her someday. The fairy said that she would bring her a treat on Halloween.  Twidgy thought about the fairy all the way home and the treat she was going to get. She hoped it would be another banana.

The First Word

Twidgey decided that she watched the human long enough to know that squigly marks on paper made words that represented things, like apple or banana.  She watched the human many times writing lists on paper then going out with the list and coming back with food. 

Twidgy thought, "Maybe if I can get the human to know I want to learn she will show me how to understand the squigly lines".

Twidgy waited quite a few days, but then one day it happened!  The human was going to make a list and she was with her, what luck!  Twidgy wasted no time.  As soon as the human put her on the sink she ran over to the pen and paper and made the human notice that she was interested in what it did.

It worked!  The human noticed.  Now Twidgy new it was critical to really show the human something.  She decided she would put the pen into the human's hand so that she would get the message - the message being that she wanted to understand writing.

All of a sudden something wonderful happened.  The human went and got a banana and came back to Twidgy.  Then proceded to write squigly lines on the paper very slowly and precisely.  Then the human took the banana and placed it by the squigly lines and pointed at the word and then at the banana.

Twidgy understood. She figured out that the word for banana were those squigly lines "B a n a n a" meant banana.  What a wonderful thing!!! Twidgy was so excited that she twirled around and bounced up and down a few times.  She wondered if the human would teach her more.  She made sure to show her human that she understood. She ran from the word to the banana several times to show her that she knew what the squigly lines meant. Twidgy hoped it worked.   Maybe tomorrow she would learn new words.

That night when Twidgy went to sleep she thought about all the words that she may someday know and she thought to herself, "I am a very happy rat, I know my first word 'Banana'". She was smiling when she fell asleep.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

T.V. Time

Twidgy decided that she wanted to watch a little T.V.  She saw people doing it all the time and she wanted to find out for herself what it was all about.  She very carefully pushed her cage open and climbed onto the big green couch.

Once she got there she knew that she had to jump to the little brown table to turn the T.V. on. So she prepared a big jump. And did it!

She was so excited that she made the jump. She had never jumped so far before.  She thought, "Well, even if I don't like T.V. I am already happy cause I made such a great jump!"  Once she was on the little brown table she could get to the funny little box that turned on the T.V.  So she looked around and found it.

Success!  She turned on the T.V. and began to watch.  At first she didn't understand what the T.V. was showing her, but after awhile she settled down to watch.

It didn't take long before she wanted to do something else. She was glad that she figured out how to do all these things; get out of her cage, jump to the table and turn the T.V. on, but she just didn't think that she would watch that much T.V.  She decided to go back to her cage and take a nap, but on her way she noticed something very interesting on the table by the T.V.

It was a little statue of a rat reading a book.  "Wow", she thought, "maybe I can learn to read! I wonder if that is possible?  I think I will figure out a way to do that.  Someone will have to teach me.  Then I will be able to read a whole bunch of books to myself."

She was a very excited rat that night when she went to bed.  She was thinking about how she would get someone to teach her how to read. She fell asleep a very happy and excited little rat.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Going for A Walk

Today Twidgy was so excited, she was going for a walk with Papa and Nana.  Twidgy rides on Papa's or Nana's shoulders while they walk the path of trees.  She is very proud of how well she can balance while she rides, looking all around.

Twidgy really likes all the smells in the small forest.  She loves to look up at the blue sky and watch the birds overhead.  Sometimes she watches squirrels chasing each other.  But the thing she loves to do the most is sniff the air for new and interesting smells.

Twidgy was thinking that she smelled something new and yummy.  She didn't know what it was, but she new part of it was an apple. What could it be she wondered? 

As they drew nearer Nana saw what it was - there sitting on the path someone had left a candied apple on top of a clean white plate. Nana thought, "what a funny place to find a candied apple." Twidgy thought, "wow, i want to get down and taste some of that!"

"No, no", Nana said to Twidgy.  Twidgy could smell that apple.  But that apple had all kinds of things on it that could make Twidgy very sick.  Twidgy didn't understand and she started to climb down Papa's shirt.

Nana saw what was happening and got Twidgy really fast.  "Silly little rat", Nana said.  "Don't worry I'll give you some apple that is good for you when we get home".  That made Twidgy very happy and for the rest of the way home she sat very patiently on Papa's shoulder, smiling. She was thinking about how good her apple for breakfast was going to taste.  And when Nana and Twidgy arrived home, Nana gave Twidgy a big piece of apple for being such a good and patient rat.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Just A Little Tired

Twidgy was woken very early in the morning from some noise that Nana was making in the kitchen. She wondered why Nana was up so early.  She sat up in her cage looking out and hoped that Nana would come and get her.  It was still night time and Twidgy liked to play when it was dark outside. She hoped Nana was going to come and play with her.

Nana did come and picked Twidgy up. Twidgy was so happy.  She thought, "Maybe Nana will give me a goody to eat".  She rode on Nana's shoulder all over the house.  And just when Twidgy thought that Nana was going to forget to feed her, Nana put peas, banana and some hot dog in her cage and carried the whole thing to the play room.

Twidgy was so happy.  She ran all over the play room and up on top of all the furniture.  She was wondering where her friend Robynn was and if she would soon come to visit.  But Twidgy had a really good time playing on the couch and the tables and running all over the rug.  Soon she began to get tired and decided to go eat some of her food.  Twidgy went back to her cage and started to eat.  That's when Nana picked the cage up and took it out to the living room where she put it back on table behind the green couch.

Nana shut the cage door and left for awhile and when she came back Nana found a very tired and happy rat.  Twidgy even pulled her covers up over her so she could take a nice warm nap.

Twidgy said, "Night, night Nana.  I'm going to go to sleep now I'll see you later."  Nana said night, night too and then went to play Minecraft with Robynn and Mommy.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Two Muses of Famous Origins -

Two Muses of Famous Origins -
September 2009 - The day we started the blogg